The Spirit Side of Life - Life, Death & Life after Death
The Spirit Side of Life - Life, Death & Life after Death
Blog Category: Testimonials
It has been said that all of life is our teacher and we are forever in a classroom. That makes so much sense as we definitely are on a journey in each of our lives. Along the way, my travels crossed paths with a very caring, compassionate and intuitive woman name Denise Lescano. A psychic medium with incredible talents and abilities, she has continuously shown this grief and life coach what a professional medium is about. Over the last 5 years, Denise has demonstrated to me what character, integrity, respect, compassion and sincerity is with a medium who genuinely owns these accolades. I was very honored to have been given this opportunity to describe Denise and her wonderful talents to you. Being a professional coach who works with people in helping to build their life and assist ones in grief, my focus is on having a no nonsense approach. This is exactly what had impressed me so much about the work Denise does. My observations over the years have been one of absolute pinpoint accuracy she brings to her clients. I have sat with many, many clients through these past 5 years and the work Denise has done with our survivors group is that of “par excel lance”. I have been involved with co-facilitating a survivors group for individuals who have lost someone to suicide. We have been meeting weekly for close to 23 years presently and Denise’s contribution to our members grief walk is beyond compare and unparalleled. Denise has been tested professionally for being legitimate, which has been very important to her work and reputation. The effects and results generated from her work, that I have observed, are indeed quite phenomenal. I know too well the stories and heartaches our members live with. Denise is never made aware of any knowledge about who she reads for. When she confronts them with factual truth, they know in that moment she has delivered very succinct, personalized information which comes from spirit. Denise has what she refers to as “spiritual integrity” which is giving the clients exactly what spirit is sending without being filtered. I have myself experienced a personal reading with Denise and she was right on the mark. To the skeptics, I say you have the absolute right to your opinion. It is unfortunate with that outlook you will never experience the quality of a connection with a loved one’s spirit that Denise provides. The lives of our members have been so enriched and nurtured as a result of Denise’s readings. They have discovered very essential information that was lacking since the death of their loved one. So much peace, closure and resolve have been given to so many of our clients. Some messages deal with future events for people to grow into and yet a number of times spirit will bring through situations and information which has taken place, well after the time of their death. One isolated reading we had was with a son, on the other side, doing his best to persuade his mom that this is real and true by describing his grandmother’s suicide attempt. He described her lying on a bathroom floor, in a pool of blood, due to cutting her wrists. He was working real hard, as was Denise, to convince his mother, in the moment, he and grandma were there wanting to connect with her. It took her some time to remember the incident, but when she finally did it provided the proof that she needed that the experience was real and was the catalyst which caused a sudden breakthrough in her healing process. So many lives have been given the glow of satisfaction, validation, love, kinship, awareness and overall spiritual guidance through the genuineness of Denise’s psychic expertise. She is superb, the real deal and believe when I tell you, I willingly place my lifelong reputation on the line in validating her true psychic abilities, since ever first experiencing her reading of spirits. I would like to present to you her story about the trials and tribulations of a psychic’s life journey. I am both humbled and proud to call this fine, talented, gifted and genuine person, psychic medium Denise Lescano, my dear friend.