The Spirit Side of Life - Life, Death & Life after Death
The Spirit Side of Life - Life, Death & Life after Death
Blog Category: Testimonials
Denise, My daughter and I came to see you June of this year. You “knew” a lot of things: that my daughter was getting married, that her father had crossed over, that she had a brother and that the brother would be walking her down the aisle. You knew the wedding would be in a Catholic Church but that the ceremony would be nontraditional. You also knew that it would be “around the beach”; the reception was on the beach. You “knew” a lot of things, including that my daughter’s dad would be with her at the wedding. You had told us that she would get a gift from someone but you said it would actually be from her dad. You said that it may be a ring or a necklace, but the gift would be part of the “something old, borrowed, blue,” etc. tradition. I didn’t tell anyone about what you said; I just waited to see what would happen.
At the rehearsal dinner, the night before the wedding, her grandmother (her father’s mom) gave her a gift. It was a dainty gold necklace that my daughter’s dad had given his mother (my daughter’s grandmother) years before she was even born. Grandma told my daughter that she should think of it as a gift from her Dad, not from her. She had kept the original pouch and box that the necklace had come in. She repeated that it was a gift from her father. It was so touching. I knew Cassie would get some gift, but this was just priceless. I “just happened” to be sitting at the table when Grandma gave my daughter the gift and was then able to hear her tell her it was from her father.
Thank you, Denise, for the service you perform. It is invaluable and provides such peace of mind and hope for those whose lives you touch.