The Spirit Side of Life - Life, Death & Life after Death
The Spirit Side of Life - Life, Death & Life after Death
Blog Category: FAQs
I wanted to share with you a womderful metaphor that a spirit brought through today in a session that I had with his wife and daughter about “where” he is and what life is like for him on the spirit side. I have never heard it quite described like this before and I thought it was such a great and simple way to describe where our loved ones are when they die, and just how they can see us and leave us messages. I asked the family permission to share the story, and with their permission, I share with you “Life in the fish bowl” as told to me by a man from the spirit side of life named Dan OConnell who lived 1949-2011. Barbara OConnell is his surviving wife who graciously has granted me permission to share this wonderful story with you.
I wanted to share with you a womderful metaphor that a spirit brought through today in a session that I had with his wife and daughter about “where” he is and what life is like for him on the spirit side. I have never heard it quite described like this before and I thought it was such a great and simple way to describe where our loved ones are when they die, and just how they can see us and leave us messages. I asked the family permission to share the story, and with their permission, I share with you “Life in the fish bowl” as told to me by a man from the spirit side of life named Dan OConnell who lived 1949-2011. Barbara OConnell is his surviving wife who graciously has granted me permission to share this wonderful story with you.
It can be very diffficult sometimes for people to grasp where our loved ones now in spirit form are? How do they see us in our everyday lives and how do they move things in the house, leave us signs or appear to us occasionaly? In the west, growing up with the foundation of a Christian-Jewish idea of “God and Heaven” many people I find imagine Heaven as a place far far away, somewhere up in the sky. Sometimes people will even be concerned that if they see signs of their loved one around them, or if their loved one is communicating through me, that they are not in “Heaven” and are stuck here, or trapped here. I hear this quite often actually in the west. The eastern part of the world, Japan for example, are quite different. They grow up with a worldview that accepts the spirit world and our ancestors are always around us and do not have the same ideas about life after death that we do in the west. With that being said, I have many metaphors that I use of how to expalin where they are, but life in the fish bowl is even better than mine! I have always told people that we are right in the middle of the spirit world and that our loved ones are all around us, they can see us and visit us whenever they want. They are really not far away at all, they are right here with us. For us it just seems that way, that they are far because we can no longer see them, touch them or hear them. In a session with me, many of my clients are seeking comfort and “evidence” that their loved ones are indeed ok, not alone and are near them. They miss them and it is always comforting in a session, when a spirit offers proof that they are around keeping an eye on those left behind, by bringing through details of current events that have happened after their death. Barbara and Dan were married for 42 years. They had one of those very special bonds and were very much in love their entire marriage together. Barbara’s pain and grief are so difficult for her at times, a session with me lets her know he is still with her, helping her, loving her and watching out for her best interests, even now from the spirit side of life. Barbara has reported to me several instances of odd things happening around the house. Occurences that she believed were signs from him for her, to get her attention and let her know he was there, that she was not alone. Dan validated that yes these occurences were him and described several of them in detail to her through me. In an emotional moment of the session he told her this to help her understand just where he was an how he was moving things around the house and even new about the recent rennovations she had done to her kitchen.
Dan showed me an image of two goldfish in a fishbowl complete with fish decor, a sunken treasure, some plants and rocks to swim through.. Then next he showed me his living room in his house now, on the spirit side of life. He showed me himself sitting on the couch and next to the couch, on an end table was the fish bowl. I described this image to Barbara and her daughter. He said “I can look in the fish bowl any time and see you swimming around in your world. I can come over and tap on the side of the tank and get your attention. If you swim to the glass when you hear me tapping, maybe you can’t see me because of the relection in the glass, but you can here me tapping on it. If you really focus and try, you might even get a glimpse of me on the other side of the glass. I can stick my finger inside the bowl and move a rock or the treasure chest and let you know I was there. I can drop a penny in and all of a sudden you will see it there glistening in the rocks wondering how did that get there? But all the time you are sitting right in my living room, right next to me and I can watch you in your fish tank and everything you do.”
In all of my years doing this work as a medium, about 20 years now, this is the best thing I have heard to describe the spirit side of life and how it interacts with the physcial world. When I do a reading, it’s like all of the clients friends and family have come to the house on the spirit side and look in to the fish bowl. I try to imagine where exactly “I myself” as the medium would fit in to this scenario?? I suppose I must be like a “mermaid” who can swim to the top, pop my head up out of the water and hold on to the side of the tank, and speak with your loved ones who have gathered around in the house outside of the fishbowl. After they tell me what they want to say, or maybe they show me some pictures, then I just stick my head under the water and tell (you) the fish what they had to say. Apparently I can breathe air and water!! What is so ironic about that is that the reason I moved to Key West 20 years ago was to learn to scuba dive because all through my childhood and young adulthood I had reoccuring dreams that I could swim and breathe under water without tanks. I would dream about it all the time,. just like other people dream they can fly. Once I moved to KW and learned to scuba dive, the dreams stopped and I got a tatoo on my ankle of a “mermaid”. For a time I even used to collect mermaids. My mother used to joke I was a fish as a girl as I always wanted to be in the water and at the beach.
So there you have it, life inside AND outside the fish bowl! Thanks again to Dan OConnel who I know is reading this through the glass as I it!
Very cool!
Thanks Denise for sharing this wonderful story with us. Cheers!