The Spirit Side of Life - Life, Death & Life after Death
The Spirit Side of Life - Life, Death & Life after Death
Blog Category: Testimonials
I have always been intrigued by psychics ever since my father passed in 1995. I had been to a handful with the hope of contacting my father and it was only until I met Denise that I was finally able to. The moment I walked into her office she was able to make the connection of how I got her name and before I sat down she already knew each person in my life that had passed — all of whom were waiting to talk to me through her.
Denise and I sat down for an hour and she primarily talked to my father and grandmother relaying details about both them that she could have never known. She knew the nickname I used to call my grandmother and was able to tell me details about my father’s character that was virtually impossible for her to know. The feelings and emotions I felt in her office that day were indescribable. I always believed I would see my father again, but it was wonderful to laugh and cry and know he was in the room with us.
Through sessions with Denise and workshops that she has put together I have learned to believe that this life is about growth and helping one another. She has taught me to be more connected and has inspired me to help others who are struggling to believe. She has also helped me to find peace within myself and with loved ones. I know now that we have angels around us always and that it is possible to speak on a regular basis to our loved ones who have passed on. Denise Lescano is an amazingly talented psychic, woman, mother, friend and teacher who is truly doing the work of the angels. I know she has changed my life for the better and I believe she is going to help change many, many more in her lifetime.