The Spirit Side of Life - Life, Death & Life after Death
The Spirit Side of Life - Life, Death & Life after Death
Blog Category: FAQs
Outer abundance is a reflection of inner abundance. Abundance is not wealth and wealth is not necessarily abundance. Wealth is only one facet of abundance. To find true happiness and peace it is important to know the difference. True abundance that leads to happiness is an abundance of love, both giving and receiving. Some of the wealthiest people I know live in a constant state of lack or fear of lack. To focus only on the abundance of wealth leaves the soul in a state of lack and starving for love, life and real fullfillment. To feed the soul we need a balanced diet of life, to only feed our souls with money is like eating a junk food diet. It leaves you feeling empty, unfullfilled and creates an insatiable appetite for more. If we all cultivated the abundance of life, love and family how much richer our worlds would really be. Think about it.