The Spirit Side of Life - Life, Death & Life after Death
The Spirit Side of Life - Life, Death & Life after Death
Develop Your Psychic Abilities, by Psychic Medium Denise Lescano In my work, people are constantly telling me about paranormal and psychic experiences they have had. It is very common that […]
The psychic abilities that I have access to, are abilites that we all posses to some degree, or atleast have a potential to access. As with any other natural talent […]
In my work, there are a few questions that people continually ask me. Do we all have Spirit Guides? How do we contact them? Can anyone do what I do […]
“Earthbound Spirits” or “Ghosts” are a complicated subject. A “haunting” as defined by Webster’s; ‘reoccurring visits from a ghost or spirit’. In understanding earthbound spirits, it helps to understand that […]
Keep The Faith! I know these are unsettling times and A lot of people are scared. This is NOT the end times, spirit assures me. What is happening now is […]
Anger…strong emotion excited by a real or supposed injury; wrath; rage. Excite to wrath; enrage- Webster’s. It seems that in the past few months I have found myself deeply immersed […]
BE WHO YOU WANT TO ATTRACT By: Denise Lescano, Psychic Medium Copyright Denise Lescano, 2008 One of the most common reasons that a person will call a psychic is to […]